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Management Consultant Overview

Job Description

A freelance Management Consultant is an independent professional who provides expert advice and assistance to organizations in various areas of management. They analyze the company's current process, identify areas for improvement, and develop strategies to enhance performance and productivity. They may work on a short-term or project basis, collaborating with different clients to deliver solutions tailored to their specific needs. Key responsibilities may include conducting research, analyzing data, interviewing stakeholders, preparing reports, and presenting findings and recommendations to the client. The freelance Management Consultant assists companies in optimizing their operations, improving decision-making processes, implementing change, and achieving their business goals.

Most Common Skills

Strategy, Microsoft Excel, and Leadership - For more data, check Management Consultant skills.

Average Hourly Rate

$188 - This number comes from our open-source Management Consultant hourly rates database.

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Fun Facts

  • Management Consultants are often called "corporate doctors."
  • Management consultants are often referred to as "corporate doctors."
  • Management consultants have been known to charge fees that can exceed $1,000 per hour.


  • "Management consultants: the people who come in to borrow your watch, tell you the time, and then charge you a fee."
  • "Management consultants are the architects of organizational transformation, guiding businesses to reach new heights and uncovering untapped potential within the chaos of change."
  • "Management consultants: the only people who can take the clock and tell you what time it is."

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